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ROMEVIDEOGAMELAB will be at MIA Market 2021

Rome Video Game Lab will be present for the second consecutive year at MIA (International Audiovisual Market) with two events whose aim is to bring the world of cinema closer to that of video games. Both events are offered in collaboration with IIDEA (Italian Interactive Digital Entertainment Association).

The first appointment, entitled "Game, Set, Match" will be at 10.00am at The Space - Cinema Moderno, Sala 4. It will be a pitching session in which seven Italian development studios will present their most representative products, offering ideas of collaboration with filmmakers. The session will be moderated by Simone Arcagni and will be attended by Andrea Valsini and Daniele Bianchini (Fantastico Studio), Ivan Venturi (Games Factory), Daniele Azara (One O One Games), Roberto Semprebene (Storm in a Teacup), Flavio Parenti (Untold Games) and Matteo Pozzi (We Are Müesli).

The second appointment will be the “Cinema & Videogame” panel, which will deal with the relationship between the production worlds of cinema and video games, identifying differences and points of contact. The panel will be held in the same Sala 4 of the Cinema Moderno at 11.30am. It will be moderated by Diego Grammatico (Advisor for Cinecittà) and will be attended by Giorgio Catania (Developer Relations Manager for IIDEA), who will offer a general overview of the video game sector in Italy, Simone Arcagni (Professor and Journalist of New Media and Digital Culture) and Roberto Semprebene (Studio Manager for Storm in a Teacup).